Cynthia HENDRICKS Barnes in IN

Kentuckiana Genealogy: Queries: General Queries: Cynthia HENDRICKS Barnes in IN
By Richard Barnes on Sunday, September 26, 1999 - 08:27 am:

My most elusive ancestor is my ggm Cynthia HENDRICKS, who probably lived c 1850s to after 1912, thought to be of Jefferson IN. I have seen her birth area given as Clark and Jefferson IN but am not sure if the reference is to a town or county. She married my ggf Albert Henley BARNES (1852-1912). They had at least two living children, Bertha BARNES and my gf Harry Hendricks McGannon BARNES (1884-1943). Cynthia and Albert moved to Indianapolis in the 1870's and Bertha was possibly born there. Another child, Freddie, died young. Cynthia later married Albert's brother Edward Casper Barnes. I believe she and Edward moved to St. Louis MO around the turn of the century and perhaps ran a hotel there. Cynthia and Edward MAY have had one more child. ANY help on leads or contacts regarding Cynthia HENDRICKS (parents, siblings, birthplace,etc.) would be MOST appreciated!! Feel free to post or e-mail direct to .

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