Submit data to Kentuckiana Genealogy
We would love for you to post your data to Kentuckiana!
Remember, your name and e-mail can stay with any data you submit to us...and cousins may contact you for more information!

Please follow the directions below to submit data to us.

Type of Data
Where to Submit
Bible Records Submit your bible records here Any records welcome! scanned images, or typed.
Biographies Submit your biographies here Whether written by you, or someone else. If newer than 75 years, must be accompanied by permission from author if not yourself.
Births Submit your birth records here Even if you have only one birth record, please consider posting them here. You can post all in one message rather than taking the time to open a new message for each record.
Census Submit your census records here You do not need to post an entire census record. We welcome even small portions of census records.
Church Submit your church records here We love Church records. We sometimes find information we can't find elsewhere. We would love to read your records!
Interesting Stories Submit your interesting stories here Any story about any person, place, thing or event in Kentuckiana would be great here! I've heard from many visitors who love to read our interesting stories, so this just may be a great way to find a cousin!
Land Submit your land records here All land records of any kind for any place in Kentuckiana
Look-Ups Submit your look-up offers here Do you have resources for the Kentuckiana area that you're willing to do look-ups in? Please remember, when doing look-ups, do not infringe upon the rights of the resource owner. Only give name/date/page numbers, etc., do not give copies of many pages.
Marriages Submit you marriage records Any marriage records, complete lists or only one!
Military Submit your military information here Do you have military rosters, or maybe even a single military document?
Obituaries Submit your obituaries here Obituaries from newspapers need to be over 75 years old or accompanied by permission to reprint. You can even write an obituary yourself.
Off-line resources Submit off-line resources here Do you know where a wonderful genealogical library is? How about a cemetery? Let everyone know by submitting that information to us
On-line resources Submit your on-line resources here If you know of (or own) a website of interest to those of us researching in Kentuckiana, tell us about it!
Pictures send your Kentuckiana pictures to us Any images of people or places in Kentuckiana are welcome!
Travel Information Submit your travel information here Do you know where an inexpensive hotel is located, or hwo to get to that out-of-the way library or courthouse? Let others know about it!
Will & Probate Submit your will & probate records here Any will or probate records are requested!