McCarty family - late 1700s - early 1800s

Kentuckiana Genealogy: Queries: General Queries: McCarty family - late 1700s - early 1800s

By Nancy Kilbourn ( on Sunday, October 30, 2005 - 01:15 pm:

Nicholas McCarty who died in 1791 at St. Clair's Defeat, was drafted. His brother(cousin?) was Thomas McCarty. Both migrated to Jefferson County Kentucky immediately after the Revolution. ..Thomas and maybe Nichols served.
Thomas was married to Ann Scott. Nicholas left a widow and at least one son (see tax records)
I have two James in my list (James born 1910, and James born 1871) both descended from Thomas and Ann.
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By cathy young ( on Friday, July 30, 2004 - 04:47 pm:

John McCarty was my ggggrandfather cathyy930@aolcom

By Pat Roth Hickerson ( on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 04:15 pm:

My great great grandmother was Paulina McCarty. I understand that she came from South Carolina. She married an Adkins, went to Whitley County KY and was the mother of James Adkins my great grandfather who then married Cynthia Gatliff Adkins and had seven children, including my grandfather Charles Adkins. The whole "tribe" moved to Oklahoma in 1906. Great grandfather died at that time. Hundreds of Adkins still live in the Oklahoma-Kentucky area. My own branch moved to New York where I was born. Pat Roth Hickerson

By Thelma McCarty Elliott ( on Tuesday, September 23, 2003 - 02:16 pm:

I am a McCarty, and in my records I found a Nicholas McCarty no birth date but that he died in November 1791. killed by Indians in battle, My grandfather was Thomas Richard Mc Carty, his father being John, his grandfather James. I have nothing else on Nicholas or James,only that he was born about 1775. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who might have more information and I would be happy to share what I have.

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